DraftSight® is a professional-grade, powerful 2D design and drafting solution with a familiar user interface and a minimal learning curve that facilitates a quick transition from your current 2D CAD application at a fraction of the cost.

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Which version of DraftSight 2D CAD is right for me?

DraftSight Product Comparison

FEATURES Standard Professional Premium Enterprise / Enterprise Plus
2D Design Tools

Create basic elements such as lines, polylines, arcs, circles, ellipses, layers, blocks, and others.

2D Documentation Tools

Create basic annotation elements such as notes, dimensions, tables, hatches, clouds, and others.

Community Resources

Offer learning resources and a collaborative environment to interact with your peers, ask questions, and share opinions.

PDF Underlay

Attach pages of a PDF document to a drawing.


Quickly generate hardware, holes, balloons, Bills of Materials (BOMs), welding and surface finish symbols.

Batch Printing

Send a set of drawings and sheets to printers in a batch job.

Drawing Compare

Compare graphically similar entities between two drawing documents.

Power Trim

Trim multiple, adjacent entities by dragging the pointer across each entity.

G-Code Generator

Communicate with a CNC machine for fabrication.

DGN Import

Directly import and convert the DGN file format drawing into a DraftSight project for direct editing.

DraftSight APIs

Allow end users or third-party developers to customize and automate DraftSight.

Image Tracer

Convert an imported raster image file (ex. floor plan, logo) into vectorized line entities.

Using Formulas in Table Cells

Use formulas in cells with arithmetic operators and the Sum, Average, and Count functions.

Trimming of Hatches and Gradients

Trim hatches and gradients with the Trim and PowerTrim commands.

3D Modelling Tools*

Introduces 3D modelling using basic geometrical shapes (ex. Box, Pyramid) or other methods (ex. Extrude, Revolve) with Boolean operations (ex. Union, Subtract).

2D Constraints*
Use 2D Constraints to control drawing entities parametrically by specifying geometric and dimensional properties of entities.  


Network License

Enable concurrent usage and compliance across the organisation.

Deployment Wizard

Enable large groups of users to install or upgrade DraftSight.

Technical Support

Answer questions or troubleshoot issues related to DraftSight.

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SOLIDWORKS DraftSight 2018


SOLIDWORKS DraftSight Datasheet 2018

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