What’s New 2020 – Top 5 Enhancements

SOLIDWORKS 2020 Top 5 Enhancements


Welcome to 2020, SOLIDWORKS 2020 SP1 has been out since 6th Jan. Here is our favourite enhancements for this year. For more information on what’s new follow the button below:

For more information about SP1
  1. Detail mode

We all know how painful working on a drawing of a large assembly can be, especially if there are lots of views and sheets. Detail mode aims to alleviate some of these problems by opening more quickly and not loading the model data. You can now make small edits in detail mode such as adding dimensions and annotations. There are some limitations to this mode which can be seen on the What’s new page below:

More Information on Detail Mode


  1. eDrawings VR

Virtual Reality was included in Beta in eDrawings 2019. There is now a full release in eDrawings 2020. VR now includes support for transparency, ambient occlusion and full scene anti-aliasing. Now you can get a 1:1 scale of your models and enjoy an immersive realistic look to your models in a virtual environment.



  1. Flexible Components

There has been the option to have flexible subassemblies in SOLIDWORKS, new to 2020 is the ability to have flexible components. This is ideal for springs and casings that will change shape when part of assembly. This works by remapping an out of context reference from a sub assembly part to the higher level. The component will then update with that reference without affecting the nominal design.

More Information on Flexible Components


  1. PDM Search

PDM now has the ability to quick search using the ctrl+f shortcut. This may seem like a small improvement however once it is in muscle memory it becomes very useful. One of the other advancements is the use of AND, NOT and OR logical operators in a search card edit box. These make searching large vaults a lot easier.

More Information on PDM Search


  1. Visualize

There has been a lot of improvements to Visualize this year, these include PDM integration. Allowing you to access the vault from inside Visualize once the project has been placed previously. Other improvements include 4K scaling, AMD Prorender, NVIDIA RTX, and light profiles. For more information on all the enhancements see the help page below.

More Information on SOLIDWORKS Visualize


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